Convenient Daytime Slots

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  2. Convenient Daytime Slots Online Casino

Check out today’s Teatime Titbit: Speak like a native –


Convenient Daytime Slots Games

There are many reasons to gamble - and one of the most obvious is for the chance to win money and online slots for real money makes it convenient to play all of your favorite slot machines. Even when you are not close to an actual casino, it easy to play any game that you want, 24 hours a day.

Convenient Daytime Slots Online Casino

Making appointments is an important part of business. Here’s a bit of help if you need to do it in English. Please note that 1-4 phrases are more formal than phrases 5 & 6.


1.Does next Wednesday* suit you?

2.What date/time suits you best (next week)?

3.Is Tuesday 3p.m. suitable/convenient/fine for you?

4.What date/time is most suitable/convenient for you?

5.Are you available/free on Friday, let’s say** 9 a.m.?

6.What/how about Monday for lunch?

Saying yes.

1.Yes, Wednesday suits me fine? What time shall we say?

2.Monday, between 3 and 5 would suit meet best.

3.Yes, Tuesday 3p.m. is suitable/convenient/fine (for me).

4.Either Monday morning or Thursday afternoon would be most suitable/convenient.

5.Yes, Friday 9 a.m. sounds good to me.

6.Yes, I’ve got nothing on (etw vorhaben) then. Monday it is then. Whereabouts?

Saying no.

1.No, I’m afraid, Wednesday doesn’t really suit me (at all), Why not Thursday?

2.Unfortunately, 3pm isn’t very suitable/convenient. Shall we say 5p.m instead?

3.No, I’ve got a prior engagement/an appointment then, let’s make it an hour later? Is that o.k.?

4. No, I’m afraid, I can’t make it then, but I could make it at 11 a.m.?


5.Unfortunately, I’m really busy/running a tight schedule (voller Zeitplan)/chocka (-a-block) (rappelvoll) *** on Thursday, Friday would be better?

6.No, I can’t I’ve got something else on, I’m meeting **** Frank.

*Days of the week, months of the year are written with a capital e.g. March

**More colloquial


**** (no it doesn’t mean a bad word) we often use the present continuous form to talk about fixed future appointments/arrangements.

QOTD. Do you have any English issues (Fragen) you want clearing up (etw klären)? Write below or post on

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